Tuesday, May 26, 2009

twilight bug: did you caught it too?

warning: twilight bug has been sporadically spreading throughout the world

have you got it? I used to but Iam cured now. :) my younger cousin told me that she's into twilight so I was curious and there's a movie that's being shown already in the movie houses here. so I've read it. Had to admit it was ok. read the 4 books in 3 consecutive days only sleeping when I cant keep my eyes.

book 1 was ok. book 2 it lack luster, no excitement but it revealed jacob's secret. book 3 was great. book 4 was a bit weird (jacob's and bella's daughter?-- didn't even entered my mind that it will come to that).

after scourging my eyes and mind over that I cant wait for the next one. But I haven't watch the movie. I tend to be disappointed in books that I've read then turned into a movie. I think some of the characters didn't stand up for the characters that I've imagined them to be.

1 comment:

  1. yes! i'm addicted to twilight too...actually more on robert pattison!:)
    i haven't read the books...but you've revealed the twist...i guess i have to read them soon!
    do you recommend me reading them before i watch New Moon?
